Sunday, January 31, 2010

in retrospect.... my shirt was totally see thru

End of the story...thanks for the new shirt mom!

Whole parents came up to visit Steve and I this weekend which is always fun. My parents had recently gone to the Pocono outlets and stopped by the Anne Taylor Loft store and bought me a couple of shirts because they know i LOVE that place! Well, last night I was going out for Sarah's birthday (shout out to the birthday girl!) and decided to wear one of the new shirts that my mom brought with a cute sparkly cardigan. I was feeling good, having a great dinner and a few glasses of wine. Sarah said that she wanted a pic with me and Jennie. We took the picture and went to review it to make sure everyone looked cute before we sit down and..........gasp! My shirt is totally see thru. Damn it.

Oh well, back to the dinner and drinks!

This morning I told my mom about the shirt and showed her the picture and she said...."are you wearing a pink bra? Why would you wear a pink bra?" To which I replied, "because I thought I was wearing a BLACK shirt!"

So I said that I was thinking of putting this in my blog but didn't know if it was too much. Again, another shocker from my mom. Instead of being embarrassed or saying "no, you are absolutely not putting a picture of you in a see thru shirt on your blog" she said "oh, I'm going to make it in your blog! Hooray!" Oh man.......

in shirt was totally see thru

p.s. I am not the only person this has ever happened is the proof. It happens to the best of us....and britney spears

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