Monday, March 1, 2010

in retrospect 13.1 miles is a freakin long way to run (aka why did I sign up for a half-marathon)

End of the story :!

Whole story : During my weight loss journey I have used running as a great exercise regimen. It feels great to run outside on a beautiful day with the birds chirping and the kids playing.......or at least I thought. Back in November after running a 10K (6 miles) race I decided that it would be a great goal to run a half-marathon (13.1 miles). So I chose the NYC Half-Marathon in March as my goal. I started training in November and each weekend have slowly increased my long runs. This past weekend I ran 12. I now hate chirping birds, and laughing kids in the park make me vomit. (literally once.....but that was more GU related than kid related) While they are enjoying their beautiful day frolicking I am running by them grunting, foaming at the mouth and chafing. Yes, chafing. I have to apply anti-chafe (a deodorant type wax that you apply to various places on your body...will spare you the that you don't rub the skin off your body because of how long you are running) So, 3 weeks until the half-marathon and I am definitely starting to question why I wanted to do this in the first place. Yes, it definitely feels hard core to say that you ran 10-11 miles in 20 degree weather, but during the actual run I don't feel hard core. I feel exhausted. This past weekend when I was running with my fellow running buddies and at mile 8 Chris asked me how I was feeling. I responded with "I have lost all will to live"...then laughed, kinda. I then told him and Hayley that we should really re-evaluate if we really need to run this half-marathon and asked them why they ever listened to a fat girl with a goal! Never a good idea. But a goal is a goal, and I think that the excitement of race day and the crowd will energize me through the 13.1 miles. I have to remember the running mantra that many runners use........I can, I will, I am able. retrospect 13.1 miles is a freakin long way to run

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